Keep Your Evergreens Green
It may seem basic; evergreens are always green. That’s why they’re called “evergreens.” But that’s not always the case as evergreens can turn brown, usually in one or two areas and then turn progressively brown. This can be traced to a number of causes, including a variety of diseases, pest [...]
Tree Of The Month: The Flowering Dogwood
Welcome to our new monthly feature, the Tree of the Month. Each month we’ll provide readers with an in-depth look at a select species of tree. The focus of the Tree of the Month feature will be on trees native to the Midwest or that will thrive in area soil [...]
Seven Things You Need To Know About Compost And Trees
Compost, a mixture of decayed organic materials such as plant waste, manure, and food waste, is an often overlooked but highly valuable resource to be used to grow plants and trees of all types. It’s easy to almost reflexively assume exotic, laboratory-designed, and created chemical mixes are “the way to [...]
Identifying Dangerous Trees On Your Property
Identifying dangerous trees surrounding your property will keep your property and family safe. Most potential home buyers will schedule an inspection of the home, but it’s also important for home shoppers to consider a thorough tree inspection to keep them from dealing with tree removal or pruning after they buy [...]
Can Invasive Trees Reduce Property Value?
At Hansen’s Tree Service, we like to emphasize the importance of the right tree in the right place. This has a huge impact on not only property safety but also property value and tree health. The Environmental Cost Of Invasive Species Invasive species can devastate native populations if left unchecked. [...]