What’s Wrong With My Tree? Bark Beetle
Bark Beetles Are Small Insects That Burrow Under Tree Bark Bark beetles are small insects, about the size of a grain of rice, that burrow under the bark of trees. Most borers will prey on dead or dying trees but will feed on healthy ones. While some are beneficial to [...]
What Is Wrong With My Trees? Tent Caterpillars
Tent Caterpillar Are Juvenile Moths Tent caterpillars are caterpillars that build nests in trees that resemble large webs. When you see the caterpillar, they are just the juvenile stage of the adult eastern tent caterpillar moth. Adults can be identified by their medium size, feathery antennae, and long scales that [...]
Hansen’s Essential Summer Tree Care Checklist
Welcome, summer! If you haven’t already been thinking about your trees and their summer health, it’s time to start. Tree maintenance is your responsibility as a property owner to keep your property safe and your trees healthy. Up Next: Tips For Protecting Your Trees In The Summer Heat For healthy [...]
3 Tips For Spotting Aphid Infestations In Large Trees
Aphids are small, sap-sucking insects that feed on stems, leaves, and other tender parts of a plant. This widespread pest will feed on almost anything but prefer trees with large, thick leaves. Aphids are typically tricky to spot on plants. Since aphids cannot be predicted, you will have to look [...]
What Is Wrong With My Ash Tree? Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald Ash Borer Is An Invasive Pest The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive species of beetle that hitched a ride to the United States in 2002 and began its invasive march near Detroit Michigan. EAB has become the single most destructive invasive pest in history killing millions of [...]