Is My Tree A Good Candidate For Plant Health Care?
At Hansen’s Tree Service, we are all about holistic tree care and preventing problems before they start. That’s where plant health care comes in. Are your trees a good candidate?
What Plants Are Affected By Spider Mites?
Spider mites are pests in the Tetranychidae family, which includes spiders. They are so small that you need a magnifying glass to see them clearly, but their presence is unmistakable with the webs they spin around the plants they feed on. They look like small black dots to the naked [...]
Get Your Trees Treated For Bagworms!
Bagworms are a common site in the Midwest, with eggs hatching May through June. After hatching, the larvae emerge to create bags of their own by gradually incorporating materials from crawling around.
What Is Wrong With My Trees? Tent Caterpillars, Part 2
Tent Caterpillars Live In Groups Tent caterpillars are juvenile moths that live together in large groups in nests that resemble large webs. They spend the winter as eggs before emerging around April, when they will build their nests.
Treat Your Trees For Emerald Ash Borer Now!
If you have ash trees on your property, it is imperative that you have them inspected NOW to see if they should be treated for emerald ash borer (EAB). This invasive species has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in the United States and cost municipalities and property owners [...]