Tree Care After A Construction Project

Provided that you have done everything possible to guard against damage to your trees during a construction project. You have taken steps to avoid excess soil compaction near the tree & you have not disturbed anything inside the drip line of the tree which is the critical root zone. With [...]

Tree Hazard Checklist

Tree Hazard Checklist Consider these questions… 1. Are there large dead branches in the tree? 2. Are there detached branches hanging in the tree?

There is a battle brewing in your backyard.

The Battle of Trees Versus Turf There may be a battle brewing in your backyard between your trees and your grass. Trees and turf tend to be mutually exclusive – you won’t see many trees growing in the prairies or grasslands, and grass is uncommon on the forest floor.

Dieback & Decline

DIEBACK AND DECLINE Bruce R. Fraedrich, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist The term “dieback” technically refers to the progressive dying-back of shoots and branches from the tip downward, while the term decline refers to the progressive deterioration of an entire tree. These terms, however, are often used interchangeably to denote the [...]

Trees And The Environment

“The very air we breathe is improved by the presence of trees.” A book by Dr. Seuss illustrates the impact trees have on our environment. In his tale The Lorax, The disappearance of trees bears dire environmental consequences. At the onset of the story the landscape is beautiful and lush [...]